so what is up with this guy?

My name is Callum. I was born on the 9th of September, 1998. That would make me 26.

Bootstrap Themes

what am I about

So how would I describe myself? Well I think the best way to describe it would be if I described just about everything I love. That list, unorganised, goes a little like this: Star Wars, coding, deep and immersive worlds, music, technology in general, guitars and music theory, fashion, self-improvement, exercise and working out, people in general, animals in general, the colour red is pretty neat, teaching, learning new things, plushies, open source software, bringing down the government (for legal reasons this is a joke), people talking about the topic they love, and obviously myself.

So basically I'm kind of a mess. But a mess with passion, and a passion to want to do more and be more ♥.

enough messing around, lets talk projects

I know why you're here, you want to take a look at what weird and wacky things I like to involve myself in. It's no surprise, I've heard it all before, it's irrisistable. So let's talk about it then shall we?.....

my website

One of the best examples of what I've accomplished is my website. It's built using the ASP.NET Core Web Application template in Visual Studio 2019, and then adapted and transformed into what it is today.

Example image

custom scripts

One of the many different projects I took up was trying to make my life easier through Automation. These scripts I wrote help complete tasks automatically and without much problem

Example image

looking for somewhere to go? Why not try these? Or scroll down for to learn more about me

Check out the history of this website

  • Earth
  • 3d

Check out my projects!

Check out my social media page!

  • California
  • 5d